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Aug 31, 20211 min read
Data transfers between the EU and South Korea to be facilitated
An adequacy decision procedure for data transfers from the EU to South Korea is currently underway. This agreement will allow

Aug 31, 20212 min read
EBA victim of an attack targeting Microsoft Exchange vulnerabilities
The European Banking Authority (EBA) had been the target of a cyber-attack that exploited flaws in Microsoft's email

Aug 31, 20213 min read
Coalition of 13 European banks to ensure public cloud compliance
Coalition of 13 European banks to ensure public cloud compliance and data protection

Aug 31, 20212 min read
European cloud industry commits to greener datacenters
European cloud industry commits to greener data centres

Aug 31, 20212 min read
€171 million imposed in 2020 for breach of GDPR: UK and Italy in the lead
Italy and Great Britain alone account for 59.5% of all sanctions resulting from the 299 RGPD infringements registered in the European Union

Aug 31, 20212 min read
EU to strengthen its cybersecurity with proactive approach
The European Union wants to strengthen its cybersecurity legislative arsenal and create a "cyber shield".

Aug 31, 20213 min read
What is the Digital Service Act?
On 15 December 2020, the European Commission has published the Digital Service Act -DSA- and the Digital Market Act -DMA-.

Jul 2, 20212 min read
Personal data: Simplified transfers between the EU and the UK
Données personnelles : Transferts simplifiés entre l'EU et le Royaume Uni

Dec 24, 20202 min read
The EU relaunches satellite Internet against a backdrop of sovereignty
A consortium of companies was appointed par the EC to work on the launch of an european satellite communications network
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