Microsoft ends cloud egress fees
Stay up to date with the latest news from the trusted cloud
NIS2-DORA: What impact for cloud service providers?
EC booste interoperable multi-providers cloud edge continuum in Europe.
Data bridge formalizes UK-US data transfer
New data protection framework for EU-US transfer
The French Senate supports effective and secure data mobility
EU to get €1 billion cyber shield
EU-US data transfer: the counter-offensive is being prepared
New Microsoft licensing agreements. What you need to consider
European CIOs want to regulate the cloud market
New agreement on EU-US transatlantic data transfer
[debate]Building European digital sovereignty
6 months to promote European digital sovereignty
Data governance: deal on new rules to boost data sharing across the EU
The European Parliament approves a new version of the NIS Directive
Microsoft and Amazon at the heart of an investigation into EU data protection.
New french"trusted cloud" label extends SecNumCloud
FairSoftware Alliance exposes unfair cloud practices
Data leaks on social networks are a growing concern
Data transfers between the EU and South Korea to be facilitated